Book a session

In the whirlwind of preparing for a maternity photo session, it's natural to feel a myriad of emotions. Perhaps you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed by the countless decisions to make and details to arrange amidst the anticipation of welcoming a new life into your world. You might even find yourself frustrated, tirelessly juggling all the responsibilities without seeing the progress you hoped for. But in the midst of this chaos, it's important to remember your hopes and dreams. You envision capturing this precious moment in time, celebrating the beauty of your pregnancy, and cherishing the memories for years to come. Despite the challenges, you hold onto the excitement of this new chapter, eagerly awaiting the joy and love that your growing family will bring.


I believe in creating images that remind you of the best moments in life.

Approximately two weeks after our session, we will meet for your design and ordering appointment! 

Physical prints, albums, and framed artwork will be professionally designed and delivered to your home within a few weeks. Any digital files you purchase will be available for immediate download.

Get beautiful images


A few days before your session, I will contact you to make sure everyone is ready to go. We will have a fun session creating beautiful images. 



Book a session

The first step in booking a family session is to complete the contact form. Once I receive your form, I will contact you and we will create a plan together for your session so there are no surprises and you are perfectly at ease.  I will also send you a style guide to help you prepare. 


You've thoroughly combed through our website, blog and Instagram feed and you like what you see. So the next step is setting up a time to chat to make sure we're the perfect fit for one another.

let's CHAT

Once your date is officially reserved, we'll send over a few goodies to help you prepare for the big day. We're happy to serve as a resource for vendor recommendations, timeline guidance and more!

view next step —


Sessions can take place anywhere from immediately following a proposal to just a few days before the wedding. We’ve found that there isn’t a “good” or “bad” time to take your photos. 

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We check in about two months before the wedding to start chatting about timeline specifics, special details, family formal shot lists, special traditions and anything else we should know about your big day.

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wedding PREP

It's finally here! The day the two of you say "I Do" and dance the night away surrounded by your family and friends. Just know we're excited to celebrate and capture your wedding day. It's going to be awesome.

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the BIG DAY 

You can expect your photos to be delivered via an online gallery within about three weeks of your wedding. At that time, we'll also send over details about preserving your images through prints and albums. 

view next step —

they're HERE

Signature Work


K. Richardson

She was great at capturing the moment and the lighting was Beautiful. Rosa was very professional, and we received our photos quickly. She is super talented, and I would highly recommend her for family photos!

Rosa was wonderful, and our pictures turned out perfectly.



ashley & jeremy THOMPSON

Curabitur fringilla lacinia dapibus. Sed ac interdum dui. Cras viverra vulputate mauris. Pellentesque id risus sapien. Duis et commodo mi. Sed nec cursus diam, pulvinar tincidunt urna. Aliquam tempus velit at laoreet euismod. Aenean non pharetra justo. 

My heart sings every time I see the photos she captured during our day, both of us and our family and friends. 


tiffany & paul JONES

Curabitur fringilla lacinia dapibus. Sed ac interdum dui. Cras viverra vulputate mauris. Pellentesque id risus sapien. Duis et commodo mi. Sed nec cursus diam, pulvinar tincidunt urna. Aliquam tempus velit at laoreet euismod. Aenean non pharetra justo. 

The pictures are beyond beautiful and our family and friends are still raving over them 7 months after the wedding. 

get in touch

Family | Maternity | Senior | Newborn | Baby

A $100 session fee is due to confirm the date on my calendar. 


A variety of fine art products, albums and digital portraits are available in curated bundles or a la carte starting at $500.

To book a session or to learn more, please contact me. 



next question —

The best time to schedule a maternity photo session is typically during the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. At this stage, your belly is noticeably rounded, but you're not too close to your due date, which can be uncomfortable and unpredictable. This timing allows for a beautiful representation of your pregnancy while ensuring you're still comfortable during the photo shoot.  

what's a GOOD TIME
to schedule a MATERNITY SESSION?

next question —

Opt for flowy dresses or skirts as they can complement your figure beautifully. Stick to simplicity with solid colors and minimal patterns for a timeless look.
Accessorize your ensemble with items like shawls, jewelry, or hats to infuse your personality into the outfit.

what should I WEAR for a Maternity session?